Le Parc Endemika d’Ambodiforaha

Parc endemika
Parc endemika ambifoaraha
Le Parc zoologique et botanique d’Ambodiforaha, situé sur le côté sud de Sainte-Marie, en direction de Ravoraha, vous permet de découvrir la faune et flore locale, les richesses naturelles de l’île (tortues, caméléons, lémuriens, serpents, grenouilles, orchidées et euphorbes...).


Parc botanique


Parc sainte marie 2

Tortue Radiata

Tortue radiata
6 votes. Moyenne 3.5 sur 5.


  • Julia Wigger

    1 Julia Wigger Le 09/02/2020

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I am Julia Wigger from Germany, 23 years old and I am studying veterinarian medicine in Vienna, Austria, advancing to the 6th semester in March this year.

    Before starting my studies in Vienna, I have already worked in a conservation facility in Cape Town, South Africa for 8 months. Here, I have made a first deep experience in working with Cheetahs, tortoises, bad-eared foxes and meerkats. Besides husbandry, maintenance, guidance of foreign visitors through the facility and accompanying them during their Cheetah encounters, I have supported a local project, targeting at the extension of natural living space for Cheetahs in the region.

    As I am highly interested in Wildlife, I intend to specialise further in Conservation medicine. Therefore, I am looking for an opportunity to extend my practical skills in husbandry and specifically to learn more about the medical care of wild animals.
    Please, could you kindly check whether you have an internship opportunity, allowing me to apply and to further develop my knowledge from the veterinary medicine university and the experience from practical work with wild animals.

    In case you have any such internship offer available, please let me know which documents I would need to send to you along with my application.

    I am looking forward to your response and I would be very grateful if an opportunity would arise.

    Thank you very much,

    Yours sincerely,

    Julia Wigger

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